Thursday, November 18, 2010

Writing Prompt #7: Some People Go Right On To College After High School; Others Take a Year or More Off To Work or Travel. Which Do You Think Is a Better Choice?

High school graduates every year have three choices to make when graduation day approaches. They can either: go to college, take on a job career, or don’t do either and just sit around all day. In my opinion, going to college is what’s most important and all those other activities can occur later on. Going to college right after high school gets all of your work out of the way first before you start going into something else. So it’s better to go to college right after high school.
     Going to college right after school gets everything that you need to take care of out of the way. If you put it off until later, you’ll keep putting it off, and eventually you won’t feel like doing it then you won’t go to college. You’ll be procrastinating until time is up. Going to college right after high school is important because if you really want to make something of yourself, the best time to do it is while your brain is still fresh and open, ready to learn new things. Some of the stuff they go over in college are things you learned in your high school years. And if you wait longer to go to college you won’t even half of the stuff they go over. It’s better to get your goals out of the way, and your career started sooner than later.
     Those who choose to work may have a good job, but what happens if they lose their job? The way the economy is going they probably won’t get a better job because they only have a high school education. Of course having a job is all good, but it’s not any use if you don’t have a good education. Working for minimum wage is not worth it, if you know you could go to college get an education and get a better paying job then you’ll be fine.
     Those who choose to travel right after high school that’s their choice. To me it’s a dumb choice. You have all of your life to travel, that’s what breaks are for and stuff. When you get out on Christmas, Thanksgiving, and all of that that’s when it’s time to travel. Not right after high school. When you get out of college you can travel all you want to, whenever you want to. Traveling cost money, and if you have no one supporting you where are you going to get your money to travel? Minimum wage jobs don’t even pay enough for you to go on a trip to travel around.
     Going to college right after high school is most important, you get your education out the way and you can start focusing on your career path. Waiting and putting it off just puts you at the lowest of the low of the economy. Traveling gets you nowhere but to right back where you started it won’t help you in your life. Be smart about your choices and think wisely with precision and clarity.

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